# service

Container method for defining a new service.


Property Type Description
name string Name for service in container (Unique).
injects Record<string, ReturnType<service>> Injected services.
service (injects: Record<keyof I, ReturnType<I[keyof I]['inject']>>) => any Service function.


Property Type Description
name string The name under which the service was registered.
clear () => void Function that will remove a service from container.
fn (injects: Record<keyof I, ReturnType<I[keyof I]['inject']>>) => any Service function from params. Can be used to write tests (Jest or other).
inject () => any A function that allows you to access the service.
reset <I extends Record<string, ReturnType<service>>, F extends (injects: Record<keyof I, ReturnType<I[keyof I]['inject']>>) => any>(injects: I, service: F) => any A function that will call the cleanup method and reset the service with a new value.

# Define service

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'
import { service } from 'proxima-di'
import pino from 'pino'

export const Logger = service('logger', {}, () => {
    dsn: config.sentryDns,
    environment: config.nodeEnv,

  const logger = pino({
    prettyPrint: isDevelopment,
    level: 'debug',
    hooks: {
      logMethod(inputArgs, method, level) {
        if (PinoFatalLevel <= level) {
        return method.apply(this, inputArgs)

  return logger

# Use service in other service

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'
import { service } from 'proxima-di'
import pino from 'pino'

export const AuthService = service('auth-service', {
  logger: Logger,
}, ({ logger }) => {
  // Cannot be called at the time of initialization.
  // Only inside methods.
  console.log(logger.log('error')) // Error!!!

  const login = (dto: DTO) => {
    try {
      // login implementation
    } catch (err) {
      logger.fatal({ err }, 'Login failed!')
      throw new HttpError(401)

  return {

# Service usage

fastify example

import type { FastifyPluginCallback } from 'fastify'

// In fastify plugin
const authController: FastifyPluginCallback = (fastify, opts, done) => {
    // we request an instance of AuthService from Proxima-di
    const authService = AuthService.inject()

    fastify.post<{ Body: DTO }>('/login', async ({ body }) => {
        const output = await authService.login(body)

        return output

# clearService

Container method for remove a registed service from container.


Property Type Description
name string The name of registed service.

# Remove service

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'
import { clearService } from 'proxima-di'
import pino from 'pino'

export const SomeService = service('some-service', {}, () => {
  const someSpecificCase = () => {
    try {

    } catch () {
      clearService('notifier') // will remove service from container

  return logger

# clearAll

Container method for remove all registed services from container.

# Remove all services

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'
import { clearAll } from 'proxima-di'
import pino from 'pino'

export const SomeService = service('some-service', {}, () => {
  // will remove all services from container
  const someSpecificCase = () => clearAll()

  return logger

# debug

Since all services are hidden behind a proxy, you will not be able to get direct access to them. This method will help you get direct access to the service object.


Property Type Description
name string Service name.


Service object.

# Get direct access to service

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'
import { debug } from 'proxima-di'
import pino from 'pino'

export const SomeService = service('some-service', {
  logger: Logger,
}, ({ logger }) => {
  const someSpecificCase = () => {
    console.log(Logger) // Function: [noop]

    // Service object if exist
    console.log(debug(Logger.name)) // Logger service object

  // Cannot be called at the time of initialization.
  console.log(debug(Logger.name)) // Error!!!

  return logger

# containerFactory

Method for creating a new DI container.


Property Type Description
container Map<string, any> New container.



# Create custom DI container

import { containerFactory } from 'proxima-di'

const customContainer = new Map<string, any>()

export const {
} = containerFactory(customContainer)